Thursday, April 12, 2012

Story Telling in Charleston

Since we live in the Information Age, surrounded by ever more sophisticated and dehumanizing pieces of technology, wouldn't it be fun to transmit your thoughts, feelings, and experiences to others know...just your mouth? Storytelling is the oldest art form known to man, and there are some people here in Charleston that want to keep it going.

Charleston Tell is an opportunity for folks in the Charleston area to tell their true stories, and for their friends, neighbors, and complete strangers to hear those a cool bar. If you are familiar with This American Life, The Moth,  or if you have actually spent time in a bar, then you know that storytelling isn't just for kids anymore! 

Charleston Tell is a monthly event where storytellers relate a true experience, based on a common theme, without notes or props. Actors, comedians, and just regular old folks all get a chance to entertain and edify a crowd at the Voodoo Lounge over Mai Tais and micro-brews, and it doesn't cost a dime.

The inaugural Charleston Tell will be on Wednesday, May 23rd, at 8PM. The theme will be Beginner's Luck: Getting things right the very first time. Stories should be under 8 minutes in length, but there will be a 2 minute grace period at which point the MC will make you stop. The first ten storytellers to write to  will be on the program. Please include the title of your story. This is an over 21 event, so adult themes and language are acceptable, within reason. The order of storytellers will be drawn out of a hat as the event progresses. There will be a microphone and a PA, and we will be recording the stories and posting the best ones on a  podcast here or on another online venue.

Whether you are listening to, or telling an incredible story, we hope to see you there!

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